Embracing the principles of openness and transparency, we are making Annual Report datasets available in machine-readable formats. Please note that for important context and detail on the data displayed here, please refer to the Courts Service Annual Reports.

2021, An Phríomh Chúirt Choiriúil, Coiriúil

Incoming Offence Category Breakdown

2021, An Phríomh Chúirt Choiriúil, Coiriúil

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Assault 19 16 70 73 60 67
Murder (Including Attempted Murder) 41 26 41 42 47 43
Other 71 187 260 92 148 69
Rape (Including Attempted Rape) 755 432 769 1,130 1,348 1,112
Sexual Offences 875 541 842 1,574 1,999 1,730
  1,761 1,202 1,982 2,911 3,602 3,021

Resolved Offence Category Breakdown

2021, An Phríomh Chúirt Choiriúil, Coiriúil

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Assault 17 20 12 24 58 94
Murder (Including Attempted Murder) 34 39 27 29 46 43
Other 67 80 160 29 69 137
Rape (Including Attempted Rape) 943 716 485 527 537 675
Sexual Offences 1,037 920 441 670 607 1,177
  2,098 1,775 1,125 1,279 1,317 2,126

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