Embracing the principles of openness and transparency, we are making Annual Report datasets available in machine-readable formats. Please note that for important context and detail on the data displayed here, please refer to the Courts Service Annual Reports.

2021, An Chúirt Chuarda, Teaghlaigh

Incoming Case Category Breakdown

2021, An Chúirt Chuarda, Teaghlaigh

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Dissolution Of Partnership 56 99 66 60 75 79
Divorce 3,964 3,864 4,050 5,220 5,808 5,498
Domestic Violence 51 59 38 38 40 48
Judicial Separation 1,271 1,238 1,206 617 530 468
Nullity 23 20 27 10 11 5
Other 207 59 173 242 235 207
  5,572 5,339 5,560 6,187 6,699 6,305

Resolved Case Category Breakdown

2021, An Chúirt Chuarda, Teaghlaigh

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Dissolution Of Partnership 23 22 38 12 24 39
Divorce 3,389 3,225 3,534 3,141 4,243 4,891
Domestic Violence 51 59 38 38 40 48
Judicial Separation 735 827 706 273 274 314
Nullity 19 22 10 5 10 11
Other 19 59 32 31 25 45
  4,236 4,214 4,358 3,500 4,616 5,348

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