Embracing the principles of openness and transparency, we are making Annual Report datasets available in machine-readable formats. Please note that for important context and detail on the data displayed here, please refer to the Courts Service Annual Reports.

2022, An Chúirt Chuarda, Sibhialta

Incoming Case Category Breakdown

2022, An Chúirt Chuarda, Sibhialta

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Care Representatives 607 625 621 564 591 716
Defamation 135 112 151 161 121 282
District Court To Circuit Court 1,386 1,160 1,091 787 822 812
Employment (Dismissal) 48 14 6 2 2 3
Employment (Other) 65 39 108 15 12 26
Examinership 5 0 11 3 3 2
Execution Orders Issued (Court Orders) 906 310 310 130 92 288
Execution Orders Issued (Judgments) 1,911 1,789 1,789 720 627 656
Execution Orders Issued (Possession) 592 170 170 58 35 145
Judgment Mortgage Certs Issued 1,216 796 796 247 190 253
Judgments Marked In The Office 1,911 1,907 1,789 720 627 656
Licensing 298 259 215 109 161 203
Liquidated Debt 2,806 2,623 3,130 1,638 1,371 1,499
Marriage Exemption 523 483 421 457 636 743
Mental Health Applications 82 132 126 125 114 112
Other 3,625 3,595 3,516 3,095 3,137 3,321
Personal Injury 12,497 12,193 12,878 10,083 8,856 7,151
Personal Insolvency 2,385 909 4,074 2,916 2,626 2,836
Property (Other) 585 288 231 152 142 137
Property (Possession) 3,640 1,433 1,112 272 477 837
Satisfaction Piece 99 70 70 49 39 49
Service Of Documents 4,528 5,010 5,027 3,758 3,558 3,207
  39,850 33,917 37,642 26,061 24,239 23,934

Resolved Case Category Breakdown

2022, An Chúirt Chuarda, Sibhialta

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Care Representatives 571 554 555 422 550 611
Defamation 6 20 40 10 8 26
District Court To Circuit Court 934 941 1,293 688 665 614
Employment (Dismissal) 73 29 21 7 1 5
Employment (Other) 20 46 21 10 15 24
Examinership 4 0 9 4 2 1
Execution Orders Issued (Court Orders) 896 329 329 139 104 287
Execution Orders Issued (Judgments) 1,775 1,632 1,632 751 602 716
Execution Orders Issued (Possession) 587 177 177 62 38 141
Judgment Mortgage Certs Issued 1,216 796 796 247 190 253
Judgments Marked In The Office 1,775 1,615 1,632 751 602 716
Licensing 298 259 215 109 161 146
Liquidated Debt 2,496 2,099 2,085 1,120 922 1,023
Marriage Exemption 452 441 359 370 572 674
Mental Health Applications 81 96 97 136 35 30
Other 2,656 2,641 2,245 1,568 1,781 1,842
Personal Injury 7,609 7,015 7,955 5,587 5,992 6,572
Personal Insolvency 1,168 1,040 2,607 3,082 2,823 2,507
Property (Other) 842 910 784 647 1,016 815
Property (Possession) 2,587 1,813 1,345 480 435 548
Satisfaction Piece 99 70 70 49 39 49
Service Of Documents 4,528 5,010 5,027 3,758 3,558 3,207
  30,673 27,533 29,294 19,997 20,111 20,807

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