Embracing the principles of openness and transparency, we are making Annual Report datasets available in machine-readable formats. Please note that for important context and detail on the data displayed here, please refer to the Courts Service Annual Reports.

2021, An Chúirt Dúiche, Sibhialta

Incoming Case Category Breakdown

2021, An Chúirt Dúiche, Sibhialta

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Appeals To District Court 111 163 103 103 58 70
Foreign Proceedings (Other) 116 70 96 96 116 83
Judgment Mortgage Certs Issued 1,029 866 709 340 256 198
Judgments Marked In The Office 6,882 9,040 9,841 5,839 6,233 7,084
Licensing 46,448 41,701 42,587 12,949 10,603 44,052
Liquidated Debt 15,332 18,713 23,759 13,890 12,405 15,188
Litigious Enforcement 2,692 2,236 1,954 1,954 1,243 1,094
Maintenance (Foreign) 122 115 97 97 153 127
Other 5,679 5,360 4,365 2,538 2,845 4,038
Personal Injury 1,011 967 1,116 1,045 1,070 1,542
Property (Other) 109 80 87 71 53 484
Satisfaction Piece 159 51 85 37 111 74
Small Claims 3,274 3,476 4,627 3,557 2,134 2,159
  82,964 82,838 89,426 42,516 37,280 76,193

Resolved Case Category Breakdown

2021, An Chúirt Dúiche, Sibhialta

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Appeals To District Court 57 97 61 61 35 46
Foreign Proceedings (Other) 116 70 96 96 116 83
Judgment Mortgage Certs Issued 1,029 866 709 340 256 198
Judgments Marked In The Office 7,400 8,909 10,008 4,237 3,453 6,968
Licensing 46,448 41,701 42,587 12,949 10,603 42,067
Liquidated Debt 8,656 10,387 11,330 5,094 4,479 8,133
Litigious Enforcement 2,692 2,236 1,954 1,954 1,243 1,094
Maintenance (Foreign) 72 92 93 93 127 102
Other 3,904 3,593 3,168 1,604 2,024 3,347
Personal Injury 527 454 613 491 750 704
Property (Other) 62 118 106 115 78 58
Satisfaction Piece 159 51 85 37 111 74
Small Claims 3,033 2,931 3,735 2,707 2,503 2,056
  74,155 71,505 74,545 29,778 25,778 64,930

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