Embracing the principles of openness and transparency, we are making Annual Report datasets available in machine-readable formats. Please note that for important context and detail on the data displayed here, please refer to the Courts Service Annual Reports.

2021, District Court, Family

Incoming Application Category Breakdown

2021, District Court, Family

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Child Care 11,931 13,168 10,224 13,091 14,038 14,914
Domestic Violence 15,962 16,599 20,501 22,970 22,596 23,536
Family Law (Other) 1,290 3,342 3,369 2,225 2,196 1,616
Guardianship Custody And Access 12,442 12,611 12,582 8,747 10,016 10,822
Maintenance 9,234 8,935 8,383 5,055 5,451 5,862
  50,859 54,655 55,059 52,088 54,297 56,750

Resolved Application Category Breakdown

2021, District Court, Family

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Child Care 10,635 9,226 9,570 10,326 10,695 9,994
Domestic Violence 16,314 14,761 16,841 19,383 21,096 20,830
Family Law (Other) 1,707 3,253 3,228 2,172 2,122 1,492
Guardianship Custody And Access 13,728 10,321 10,822 7,336 8,667 10,143
Maintenance 11,936 6,541 6,520 3,926 4,288 5,025
  54,320 44,102 46,981 43,143 46,868 47,484

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