Embracing the principles of openness and transparency, we are making Annual Report datasets available in machine-readable formats. Please note that for important context and detail on the data displayed here, please refer to the Courts Service Annual Reports.

2017, Supreme Court, Supreme Court

Incoming Case Category Breakdown

2017, Supreme Court, Supreme Court

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Appeals (Current) 58 58 64 40 46 46
Appeals (Legacy) 0 57 71 0 0 0
Applications For Leave 176 193 229 142 149 145
  234 308 364 182 195 191

Resolved Case Category Breakdown

2017, Supreme Court, Supreme Court

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Appeals (Current) 35 67 60 57 59 55
Appeals (Legacy) 80 61 84 8 18 11
Applications For Leave 160 157 248 158 145 148
  275 285 392 223 222 214

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